Welcome to the Goodkin 1-Day Ham Class

Wednesday, Feb 26, from 4pm to 9pm, we will have an in-person class to prepare for the Technician Class amateur radio license, with the exam at 9pm. 

The class and exam will be held at the Van Nuys Masonic Lodge No. 450. 

Sign up for the class here: https://www.qualitymatrix.com/hamclass/class-sign-up-page/

The class format is several technical lectures, with ample time for review of the non-technical topics that really don’t require a  class to understand (rules, regulations and operating practices).

You’ll have time between lectures for 1-on-1 questions with experienced instructors. 

We’ve been doing this class quarterly for over 10 years and have this down to the most efficient way to get your license!

Email us for more info: hamclass@goodkin.net

The Goodkin 1-Day Ham Class is brought to you by Quality Matrix International, Inc., a California corporation.

Best Way to Get a Ham Radio License in Southern California!